North America
the UL Mark indicates that UL has tested representative samples of a product and has found in conformity with the standards applicable to risk of fire, electric shock and mechanical hazards. Each year in the world, 20 billion products are allowed to bring the UL safety mark. Underwriters Laboratories® (UL) boasts a history of 115 years in product testing and certification. UL shall examine scientifically thousands of products, components, materials and systems, from design to production, ensuring compliance with all technical and security requirements. UL has also developed more than 1300 standards for safety. The global network of UL comprises more than 6800 engineers, researchers, chemists, engineers, representatives in the field, staff to support customers, all dedicated to public safety. EQS provides advice to the UL certification and accompanies the customer in every necessary step.
the certification NOM (Normally Official Mexicana) is mandatory in order to have access to the Mexican market for certain categories of products electrical/electronic, including all appliances. To obtain the certification in this country, it’s necessary to provide EQS the Customs Code of the products for import (HS Code) at the time of inquiry.
The INMETRO certification is required for the importation of larger domestic electrical appliances and toys in Brazil. To obtain the certification in this country, it’s necessary to provide EQS the Customs Code of the products for import (HS Code) at the time of inquiry. The agencies involved are:
- The Purchaser – local society (mandatory), which contracts the certification
- The laboratory accredited by Inmetro
- THE CB – certification body, accredited by Inmetro.
EQS acts only as a laboratory, not as CB. If you don’t know a CB, it will be indicated some at the opening of the practice.
The certification IRAM S-mark is mandatory for marketing different categories of products electrical/electronic in Argentina. To obtain the certification in this country, it’s necessary to provide EQS the Customs Code of the products for import (HS Code) at the time of inquiry.
European Quality Standard on behalf of their customers prepares the Technical File to be submitted to the partner that, as a Notified Body, issued on the EC Type Certificate. This procedure takes place in accordance with what indicated in blue guide issued by the European Commission on the basis of which the Test Report prepared by EQS are recognized by notified bodies with which it collaborates. Our company is able to meet the demand for those users who require a consulting service seriously and efficient, thanks to the degree of preparation and to the vast wealth of experience and knowledge gained from staff in several years of work in their respective fields. EQS has made several agreements with many Italian and International Notified Bodies and Laboratories.
Russia, EurAsEC and Ukraine
The Eurasian Economic Community (Eurasian Economic Community, EurAsEC or EAEC) is an international regional organization that brings together some states post-Soviets, today, belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States, which are located in Eurasian continent.
At the moment, there are:
- Members: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
- State on stand-by: Uzbekistan.
- Observers: Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine.
This means that in order to sell the products in both Russia and Ukraine should be carried out two different certifications. The UkrSEPRO certification is the Ukrainian certification system, this is similar to the Russian Gost-R certification system. The UkrSEPRO certificate is a document issued by the Ukrainian authorities and has the purpose to confirm compliance with the rules and standards of quality and safety in the production of goods and provision of services. In the EurAsEc countries instead, from February the 14th of 2013, the Gost system of certification has been replaced by Technical Regulations. To obtain the certification in this country, it’s necessary to provide EQS the Customs Code of the products for import (HS Code) at the time of inquiry.
The Chinese Certificate Mandatory, commonly known as CCC mark (an acronym of China Compulsory Certificate), is a trademark of mandatory safety for many products sold in the chinese market. It became effective on 1st May 2002. It is the result of the integration of two earlier systems of Chinese examination, called CCIB (safety mark introduced in 1989 is required for the products of 47 categories) and CCEE (also known as mark “Great Wall”, which is required for 7 categories of electrical products). The mark is required both for products made in China and imported.
The products to which it is applied the CCC mark are the following:
• electrical wires and cables
• switches for circuits and devices of connection
• low voltage electrical equipment
• engines with little power
• electric tools
• machines for welds
• electrical home appliances
• audio and video equipment
• computer equipment
• lighting equipment
• apparatus for telecommunications
• motor vehicles and safety parts
• tires for motor vehicles
• safety glazing
• agricultural machinery products
• latex
• medical devices
• equipment
• fire detectors of intruders for alarm systems
• WLAN systems
• toys
Under the responsibility of the Chinese authorities, the CCC mark is administered by CNCA (Administration of certification and accreditation). The Center of China Quality Certification (CQC) is designated by CNCA to sift the applications of the CCC mark and define the products that require the CCC.
The certification process includes the following steps: is submitted an application to test and support material; a Chinese laboratory designated by CNCA tests samples of the product; the CQC sends representatives to inspect the production plant; it’s approved or refused to issue the certificate CCC; annually, a Chinese inspector verifies the factory. The Hong Kong office gives us a privileged access to certification for export toward the eastern market, a service, has already been very appreciated by major national and international firms.
The Circle or Diamond PSE Mark (Product Safety Electric appliances and Materials) is mandatory in Japan to indicate that the product complies with the Law on the safety of the devices and electrical materials (DENAN). To obtain the certification in this country, it’s necessary to provide EQS the Customs Code of the products for import (HS Code) at the time of inquiry.
Middle east – Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
The Gulf Cooperation Council, whose full name is Cooperation Council of the States of the Persian Gulf (in english Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, CCASG), is an international regional organization that brings together six States of the Persian Gulf: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar. To obtain the certification in this country, it’s necessary to provide EQS the Customs Code of the products for import (HS Code) at the time of inquiry.
Australia and New Zealand
Certification for Australia and New Zealand. For the toys sector, EQS is directly recognised for the certification.
For the gas sector, the AGA certification (the Australian Gas Association) is obtained after laboratory testing normally performed at the site and invoiced at cost. To obtain the certification in this country, it’s necessary to provide EQS the Customs Code of the products for import (HS Code) at the time of inquiry.
EQS Green
The purpose of the EQSgreen Mark is to deal, with the applicant, the issues concerning sustainable development from an environmental point of view of the activities of the customers himself. Is issued on the basis of General Regulation to all those products and services for which there is a specific protocol.
International certification systems
The International Electrotechnical Commission (Commission Electrotechnique Internationalee in french), acronym IEC is an international organization for standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. Many of its standard are defined in collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Countries that are members of the CB Scheme (November 2008)
Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Korea, Croatia, Denmark, the United Arab Emirates, Russian Federation, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Rep. Czech, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Siovachia, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Uruguay, USA.
Countries that join the IECEx Scheme (November 2008)
Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Rep. ECSC, United Kingdom, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary, USA.